OpenShoe  1.0
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
commands.cDefinition of user commands and command response functions
control_tables.h [code]Header file for all tabulated information for the control and communication
external_interface.cHigh level external user interface (USB)
external_interface.h [code]High level external user interface (USB) header file
gyro_bias_calibration.mMatlab script for executing OpenShoe calibration routines
imu_interface.cHigh level IMU interface
imu_interface.h [code]High level IMU interface header file
logging_inertial_data.mMatlab script for logging accelerometer and gyroscope readings to binary file
main.cMain function and interrupt control
nav_eq.cThe c-file for the OpenShoe navigation algorithm
nav_eq.h [code]Header file for the OpenShoe navigation algorithm
nav_types.h [code]
process_sequence.cFunctions for manipulating and running process sequence
process_sequence.h [code]Header file containing declarations for functions for manipulating and running process sequence
processing_functions.cDeclarations of externally controlled process sequence frunctions
realtime_position_plot.mMatlab script for real-time plotting of OpenShoe position estimates
set_lowpass_filter_imu.mMatlab script for changing number of filter taps of internal low pass filter in IMU
system_states.cDeclaration of external system states
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