
All hard­ware designs and soft­ware are released under the per­mis­sive open source Cre­ative Com­mons Attri­bu­tion License. This mean that the imple­men­ta­tion can freely be repro­duced, mod­i­fied, and inte­grated into other sys­tems, even commercial.

Copy­right © 2011, Open­Shoe, Con­tact:

Cre­ative Com­mons Attri­bu­tion 4.0 Inter­na­tional Pub­lic License

By exer­cis­ing the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and con­di­tions of this Cre­ative Com­mons Attri­bu­tion 4.0 Inter­na­tional Pub­lic License (“Pub­lic License”). To the extent this Pub­lic License may be inter­preted as a con­tract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in con­sid­er­a­tion of Your accep­tance of these terms and con­di­tions, and the Licen­sor grants You such rights in con­sid­er­a­tion of ben­e­fits the Licen­sor receives from mak­ing the Licensed Mate­r­ial avail­able under these terms and conditions.

Sec­tion 1 – Definitions.

  1. Adapted Mate­r­ial means mate­r­ial sub­ject to Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Mate­r­ial and in which the Licensed Mate­r­ial is trans­lated, altered, arranged, trans­formed, or oth­er­wise mod­i­fied in a man­ner requir­ing per­mis­sion under the Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights held by the Licen­sor. For pur­poses of this Pub­lic License, where the Licensed Mate­r­ial is a musi­cal work, per­for­mance, or sound record­ing, Adapted Mate­r­ial is always pro­duced where the Licensed Mate­r­ial is synched in timed rela­tion with a mov­ing image.
  2. Adapter’s License means the license You apply to Your Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights in Your con­tri­bu­tions to Adapted Mate­r­ial in accor­dance with the terms and con­di­tions of this Pub­lic License.
  3. Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights means copy­right and/or sim­i­lar rights closely related to copy­right includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, per­for­mance, broad­cast, sound record­ing, and Sui Generis Data­base Rights, with­out regard to how the rights are labeled or cat­e­go­rized. For pur­poses of this Pub­lic License, the rights spec­i­fied in Sec­tion 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights.
  4. Effec­tive Tech­no­log­i­cal Mea­sures means those mea­sures that, in the absence of proper author­ity, may not
    be cir­cum­vented under laws ful­fill­ing oblig­a­tions under Arti­cle 11 of the WIPO Copy­right Treaty adopted on Decem­ber 20, 1996, and/or sim­i­lar
    inter­na­tional agreements.
  5. Excep­tions and Lim­i­ta­tions means fair use, fair deal­ing, and/or any other excep­tion or lim­i­ta­tion to Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights that applies to Your use of the Licensed Material.
  6. Licensed Mate­r­ial means the artis­tic or lit­er­ary work, data­base, or other mate­r­ial to which the Licen­sor applied this Pub­lic License.
  7. Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You sub­ject to the terms and con­di­tions of this Pub­lic License, which are lim­ited to all Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights that apply to Your use of the Licensed Mate­r­ial and that the Licen­sor has author­ity to license.
  8. Licen­sor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) grant­ing rights under this Pub­lic License.
  9. Share means to pro­vide mate­r­ial to the pub­lic by any means or process that requires per­mis­sion under the Licensed Rights, such as repro­duc­tion, pub­lic dis­play, pub­lic per­for­mance, dis­tri­b­u­tion, dis­sem­i­na­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, or impor­ta­tion, and to make mate­r­ial avail­able to the pub­lic includ­ing in ways that mem­bers of the pub­lic may access the mate­r­ial from a place and at a time indi­vid­u­ally cho­sen by them.
  10. Sui Generis Data­base Rights means rights other than copy­right result­ing from Direc­tive 96/9/EC of the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment and of the Coun­cil of 11 March 1996 on the legal pro­tec­tion of data­bases, as amended and/or suc­ceeded, as well as other essen­tially equiv­a­lent rights any­where in the world.
  11. You means the indi­vid­ual or entity exer­cis­ing the Licensed Rights under this Pub­lic License. Your has a cor­re­spond­ing meaning.

Sec­tion 2 – Scope.

  1. License grant.
    1. Sub­ject to the terms and con­di­tions of this Pub­lic License, the Licen­sor hereby grants You a world­wide, royalty-free, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrev­o­ca­ble license to exer­cise the Licensed Rights in the Licensed Mate­r­ial to:
      1. repro­duce and Share the Licensed Mate­r­ial, in whole or in part; and
      2. pro­duce, repro­duce, and Share Adapted Material.
    2. Excep­tions and Lim­i­ta­tions. For the avoid­ance of doubt, where Excep­tions and Lim­i­ta­tions apply to Your use, this Pub­lic License does not apply, and You do not need to com­ply with its terms and conditions.
    3. Term. The term of this Pub­lic License is spec­i­fied in Sec­tion 6(a).
    4. Media and for­mats; tech­ni­cal mod­i­fi­ca­tions allowed. The Licen­sor autho­rizes You to exer­cise the Licensed Rights in all media and for­mats whether now known or here­after cre­ated, and to make tech­ni­cal mod­i­fi­ca­tions nec­es­sary to do so. The Licen­sor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or author­ity to for­bid You from mak­ing tech­ni­cal mod­i­fi­ca­tions nec­es­sary to exer­cise the Licensed Rights, includ­ing tech­ni­cal mod­i­fi­ca­tions nec­es­sary to cir­cum­vent Effec­tive Tech­no­log­i­cal Mea­sures. For pur­poses of this Pub­lic License, sim­ply mak­ing mod­i­fi­ca­tions autho­rized by this Sec­tion 2(a)(4) never pro­duces Adapted Material.
    5. Down­stream recip­i­ents.
      1. Offer from the Licen­sor – Licensed Mate­r­ial. Every recip­i­ent of the Licensed Mate­r­ial auto­mat­i­cally receives an offer from the Licen­sor to exer­cise the Licensed Rights under the terms and con­di­tions of this Pub­lic License.
      2. No down­stream restric­tions. You may not offer or impose any addi­tional or dif­fer­ent terms or con­di­tions on, or apply any Effec­tive Tech­no­log­i­cal Mea­sures to, the Licensed Mate­r­ial if doing so restricts exer­cise of the Licensed Rights by any recip­i­ent of the Licensed Material.
    6. No endorse­ment. Noth­ing in this Pub­lic License con­sti­tutes or may be con­strued as per­mis­sion to assert or imply that You are, or that Your use of the Licensed Mate­r­ial is, con­nected with, or spon­sored, endorsed, or granted offi­cial sta­tus by, the Licen­sor or oth­ers des­ig­nated to receive attri­bu­tion as pro­vided in Sec­tion 3(a)(1)(A)(i).
  2. Other rights.

    1. Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not licensed under this Pub­lic License, nor are pub­lic­ity, pri­vacy, and/or other sim­i­lar per­son­al­ity rights; how­ever, to the extent pos­si­ble, the Licen­sor waives and/or agrees not to assert any such rights held by the Licen­sor to the lim­ited extent nec­es­sary to allow You to exer­cise the Licensed Rights, but not otherwise.
    2. Patent and trade­mark rights are not licensed under this Pub­lic License.
    3. To the extent pos­si­ble, the Licen­sor waives any right to col­lect roy­al­ties from You for the exer­cise of the Licensed Rights, whether directly or through a col­lect­ing soci­ety under any vol­un­tary or waiv­able statu­tory or com­pul­sory licens­ing scheme. In all other cases the Licen­sor expressly reserves any right to col­lect such royalties.

Sec­tion 3 – License Conditions.

Your exer­cise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made sub­ject to the fol­low­ing conditions.

  1. Attri­bu­tion.

    1. If You Share the Licensed Mate­r­ial (includ­ing in mod­i­fied form), You must:

      1. retain the fol­low­ing if it is sup­plied by the Licen­sor with the Licensed Material:
        1. iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the creator(s) of the Licensed Mate­r­ial and any oth­ers des­ig­nated to receive attri­bu­tion, in any rea­son­able man­ner requested by the Licen­sor (includ­ing by pseu­do­nym if designated);
        2. a copy­right notice;
        3. a notice that refers to this Pub­lic License;
        4. a notice that refers to the dis­claimer of warranties;
        5. a URI or hyper­link to the Licensed Mate­r­ial to the extent rea­son­ably practicable;
      2. indi­cate if You mod­i­fied the Licensed Mate­r­ial and retain an indi­ca­tion of any pre­vi­ous mod­i­fi­ca­tions; and
      3. indi­cate the Licensed Mate­r­ial is licensed under this Pub­lic License,
        and include the text of, or the URI or hyper­link to, this Pub­lic
    2. You may sat­isfy the con­di­tions in Sec­tion 3(a)(1) in any rea­son­able man­ner based on the medium, means, and con­text in which You Share the Licensed Mate­r­ial. For exam­ple, it may be rea­son­able to sat­isfy the con­di­tions by pro­vid­ing a URI or hyper­link to a resource that includes the required information.
    3. If requested by the Licen­sor, You must remove any of the infor­ma­tion required by Sec­tion 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent rea­son­ably practicable.
    4. If You Share Adapted Mate­r­ial You pro­duce, the Adapter’s License You apply must not pre­vent recip­i­ents of the Adapted Mate­r­ial from com­ply­ing with this Pub­lic License.

Sec­tion 4 – Sui Generis Data­base Rights.

Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Data­base Rights that apply to Your use of the Licensed Material:

  1. for the avoid­ance of doubt, Sec­tion 2(a)(1) grants You the right to extract, reuse, repro­duce, and Share all or a sub­stan­tial por­tion of the con­tents of the database;
  2. if You include all or a sub­stan­tial por­tion of the data­base con­tents in a data­base in which You have Sui Generis Data­base Rights, then the data­base in which You have Sui Generis Data­base Rights (but not its indi­vid­ual con­tents) is Adapted Mate­r­ial; and
  3. You must com­ply with the con­di­tions in Sec­tion 3(a) if You Share all or a sub­stan­tial por­tion of the con­tents of the database.

For the avoid­ance of doubt, this Sec­tion 4 sup­ple­ments and does not replace Your oblig­a­tions under this Pub­lic License where the Licensed Rights include other Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights.

Sec­tion 5 – Dis­claimer of War­ranties and Lim­i­ta­tion of Liability.

  1. Unless oth­er­wise sep­a­rately under­taken by the Licen­sor, to the extent pos­si­ble, the Licen­sor offers the Licensed Mate­r­ial as-is and as-available, and makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions or war­ranties of any kind con­cern­ing the Licensed Mate­r­ial, whether express, implied, statu­tory, or other. This includes, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, war­ranties of title, mer­chantabil­ity, fit­ness for a par­tic­u­lar pur­pose, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accu­racy, or the pres­ence or absence of errors, whether or not known or dis­cov­er­able. Where dis­claimers of war­ranties are not allowed in full or in part, this dis­claimer may not apply to You.
  2. To the extent pos­si­ble, in no event will the Licen­sor be liable to You on any legal the­ory (includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, neg­li­gence) or oth­er­wise for any direct, spe­cial, indi­rect, inci­den­tal, con­se­quen­tial, puni­tive, exem­plary, or other losses, costs, expenses, or dam­ages aris­ing out of this Pub­lic License or use of the Licensed Mate­r­ial, even if the Licen­sor has been advised of the pos­si­bil­ity of such losses, costs, expenses, or dam­ages. Where a lim­i­ta­tion of lia­bil­ity is not allowed in full or in part, this lim­i­ta­tion may not apply to You.
  1. The dis­claimer of war­ranties and lim­i­ta­tion of lia­bil­ity pro­vided above shall be inter­preted in a man­ner that, to the extent pos­si­ble, most closely approx­i­mates an absolute dis­claimer and waiver of all liability.

Sec­tion 6 – Term and Termination.

  1. This Pub­lic License applies for the term of the Copy­right and Sim­i­lar Rights licensed here. How­ever, if You fail to com­ply with this Pub­lic License, then Your rights under this Pub­lic License ter­mi­nate automatically.
  2. Where Your right to use the Licensed Mate­r­ial has ter­mi­nated under Sec­tion 6(a), it reinstates:

    1. auto­mat­i­cally as of the date the vio­la­tion is cured, pro­vided it is cured within 30 days of Your dis­cov­ery of the vio­la­tion; or
    2. upon express rein­state­ment by the Licensor.

    For the avoid­ance of doubt, this Sec­tion 6(b) does not affect any right the Licen­sor may have to seek reme­dies for Your vio­la­tions of this Pub­lic License.

  3. For the avoid­ance of doubt, the Licen­sor may also offer the Licensed Mate­r­ial under sep­a­rate terms or con­di­tions or stop dis­trib­ut­ing the Licensed Mate­r­ial at any time; how­ever, doing so will not ter­mi­nate this Pub­lic License.
  4. Sec­tions 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 sur­vive ter­mi­na­tion of this Pub­lic License.

Sec­tion 7 – Other Terms and Conditions.

  1. The Licen­sor shall not be bound by any addi­tional or dif­fer­ent terms or con­di­tions com­mu­ni­cated by You unless expressly agreed.
  2. Any arrange­ments, under­stand­ings, or agree­ments regard­ing the Licensed Mate­r­ial not stated herein are sep­a­rate from and inde­pen­dent of the terms and con­di­tions of this Pub­lic License.

Sec­tion 8 – Interpretation.

  1. For the avoid­ance of doubt, this Pub­lic License does not, and shall not be inter­preted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose con­di­tions on any use of the Licensed Mate­r­ial that could law­fully be made with­out per­mis­sion under this Pub­lic License.
  2. To the extent pos­si­ble, if any pro­vi­sion of this Pub­lic License is deemed unen­force­able, it shall be auto­mat­i­cally reformed to the min­i­mum extent nec­es­sary to make it enforce­able. If the pro­vi­sion can­not be reformed, it shall be sev­ered from this Pub­lic License with­out affect­ing the enforce­abil­ity of the remain­ing terms and conditions.
  3. No term or con­di­tion of this Pub­lic License will be waived and no fail­ure to com­ply con­sented to unless expressly agreed to by the Licensor.
  4. Noth­ing in this Pub­lic License con­sti­tutes or may be inter­preted as a lim­i­ta­tion upon, or waiver of, any priv­i­leges and immu­ni­ties that apply to the Licen­sor or You, includ­ing from the legal processes of any juris­dic­tion or authority.

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