Archive for August, 2012

Small interface PCB

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

It was recently pointed out to us that the pro­duc­tion files for the small inter­face PCB were miss­ing. These have now been added under the repro­duc­tion pages.


Small inter­face PCB

New casings

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Today we got two new cas­ings which we ordered from some week ago:

We were very sat­is­fied with the result. To have the cas­ings printed we pretty much just uploaded the PCL-files, selected a color, sub­mit­ted the order, and a week later the cas­ing dropped down in our mail­box. The price was around €100 for the two of them. Also the ABS plas­tic gives a very reas­sur­ing impres­sion com­pared to our old cas­ings printed in some unknown plastic.

Current work on smoothing for ZUPT-aided INS

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

Among other things, dur­ing the spring and sum­mer we have been work­ing on smooth­ing for ZUPT-aided INS. This we believe is use­full for motion analy­sis type of appli­ca­tions. Hope­fully, we will have an arti­cle on the sub­ject in the near future but in the mean­while we have made the code avail­able under the smooth­ing page.

The code and the data can now be found under the Pub­li­ca­tion section.

Below is an exam­ple of the type of data the code can pro­duce. In the plot you see a num­ber of tracked steps plot­ted beside eachother. The red curves are the smoothed steps and the blue curves are the steps as esti­mated by the cus­tom­ary com­ple­men­tary Kalman fil­ter. The sharp cor­rec­tions seen in the end of each step from the cus­tom­ary recur­sive fil­ter­ing is removed by the smoothing.