Design files released

Since we finally got a mod­ule work­ing, I have now pub­lished the PCB design files under

Sys­tem reproduction

Basic embed­ded soft­ware for the new mod­ules is already avail­able on source­forge. How­ever, sig­nif­i­cant updates, espe­cially to the wire­less inter­face, is expected in the near future. The STL-files for the cas­ing I will pub­lish as soon as it has gone through some more iterations.

By the way, the new boards goes under the name MIMU22BTv2 (MIMU=multi-IMU, 22=number of IMUs on front and back, BT=Bluetooth, v2=version 2). This is how it’s referred to in all config-files in the software.

Note that for some fea­ture such as the mem­ory and the pres­sure sen­sor there is still no soft­ware sup­port for and they have not been tested at all. On the other hand they are not nec­es­sary for the core func­tion­al­ity or the boards, i.e. pedes­trian tracking.

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