
As I have pre­vi­ously noted in a post, we have recently been devel­op­ing a massive-MIMU (multi-IMU) plat­form from single-chip IMUs. (The abbre­vi­a­tion is par­tially a play with the com­mon MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) abbre­vi­a­tion within the field of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and also the term massive-MIMO to describe MIMO sys­tems with alot of anten­nas.) At the move­ment the plat­form looks like this:

The plat­form will be pre­sented on the upcom­ing ISISS con­fer­ence 25–26 Feb 2014 in Laguna Beach CA, USA. Massive-MIMU is to some extent a sep­a­rate research track but also con­sti­tute an exper­i­men­tal plat­form for the devel­op­ment of new Open­Shoe modules.

The plan is to release the whole plat­form open-source under the Massive-MIMU sec­tion (and of cause on source­forge). The soft­ware part is already in place at source­forge, specif­i­cally in this file. This we have been run­ning and devel­op­ing since the autumn. We are cur­rently work­ing on a sec­ond gen­er­a­tion of the MIMU plat­form which will hold 32-IMUs (which will truly make it a massive-MIMU plat­form). How­ever, through­out the devel­op­ment we have come to real­ize that we want to make some changes which will affect the soft­ware. Con­se­quently, we have been a lit­tle reluc­tant to put up the old gen­er­a­tion of boards since we do not place to sup­port them in the future. If you really want the schematic and lay­out of the old boards, please send us an e-mail and I will be happy to pro­vide it. Oth­er­wise, I hope you can be patient until we fin­ish the new generation.

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